...when life seems dark, stinky and unfair

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Full tummy, quiet mind

Aaaah the end to another successful day! By successful I mean I didn't cry, call the ex or rip anyone's head off and lay my eggs in their neck. In all seriousness though, I was able to get some work done, spent time with some wonderful children (Sac Area Emergency Housing Center...check it out) and had some goood food with fantastic friends. Now I'm plugged into Adele making my way home to my hobbit hole via the bus (I'm lessening my carbon footprint :p). Oh! And I got to have lunch with an old friend from college. It's only been a couple of weeks since "the incident" (complete and utter meltdown over the ex) but I feel that I am getting stronger and stronger and saner and saner each day.

So...I promised to share the details of my online dating adventure. In keeping with this promise I received a few emails or what "the site" (we shall refer to E-Harmony as such to keep the bile from rising into my throat) calls communications. And...I actually responded, which is a huge step for me. My normal approach to dating includes keeping my head down when walking, avoiding eye contact and running away when approached. This may explain my affinity with Sh*thead (see previous post). He was one of the few brave souls who actually had the gall to approach such an awkward duck. Anyway we shall see how it goes. There is one strapping young lad who works as a missionary, with a nice face and a head full of dark locks...I've got my eye on him, but don't be silly enough to think I'll actually make the first move. Even if the move is as small as sending over some follow-up questions (I still don't understand this whole matching thing).

As Adele so brilliantly puts it...."when night comes and I'm on my own, you should know I chose to be alone." Oh Adele how I love thee! Let me count the ways!

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